Citroen Dash Citroen Dash Citroen Dash Citroen Dash Citroen Dash Citroen Dash
Citroen Dash Citroen Dash Citroen Dash Citroen Dash Citroen Dash Citroen Dash
Citroen Dash.
Creating a transportation ecosystem.

Citroën - PSA Groupe

Concept thinking, User research, 3D modeling and rendering, User interfaces, Prototyping.

March-August 2019

Thinking and conceptualizing a way to enhance the experience of the Citroën C5 Aircross facing the future of secondary electric transportations and city vehicle limitations.

The sponsored project

PSA Groupe had one single direction to this project: Building more exciting and future thinking visions for the Citroën C5 Aircross. How can the vehicle adapt to future environements?


Study cases

Research developped to kick off the project and conceptualising.

Technology benchmark

So much can change in the space of 2 years

As important as it may seem - Keeping in mind future technologies and how they can frequently impact our way of living is key to building a sustainable project. This study will pick out interesting research of engineering concepts that can influence new experiencesr.

User studies

Making the most of our car

Thinking towards how we can apply a new vision that solves daily obsicles of vehicle owners. What kind of acticities do they complete when they aren't driving. Daily communiting is an important factor but vehciles can also be subject to huge tasks that we often don't think of before purchasing a new car.

Stage 1

Technology benchmark

Concept boards.

Exploring different connected concepts that enhance user experience and combine new technologies.

Vehicles are becoming more and more connected as we approach a digital and automated future. The innovation will have a large impact on the automotive industry.
The concept boards are designed to showcase all the previous technology bechmark with some new ideas. They were presented to Citroën during the phase 2 of the project before the creative team at PSA decide which idea could be interesting to develop.

Study 2

Concept 1

With the aim to redefine a daily routine and a way of commuting, the connected electric scooters are built to work alongside a user's vehicle.

Study 2

Concept 2

Defining a way to extend the usage of the user's vehicle to help during daily tasks that become problemtique without any assistance.

Digital solution

A connected experience to sync the scooters to the car

Hybrid conneted object

Connecting vehicles together

This concept regroups different user scenarios and creates a digital experience that answers user needs in a growing topic. Building the possibility to communicate between your primary and secondary way of transportation can ease the user's daily tasks.

Quick actions

Quick action help define the importance and comfort of being able to associate a secondary vehicle to the primary transport.

We could imagine that more actions can be created and associated with a connected app experience that connects the vehicle to the scooters.
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Navigation is a feature that help users explore and find their way through cities wiles having their car always connected and ready.

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Future research

This concept was presented in front of PSA and as new ideas immerged and visions were created to imagine connected future. The jury mentioned this can not only answer future restrictions of vehicles being in cities, but also build an entire new market for can manufacturers.

This project has many more options and areas to be explored. I would be curious to pick this up in the future when the transportation issue becomes more and more problematic.
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