Sky Design Challenge Sky Design Challenge Sky Design Challenge Sky Design Challenge
Sky Design Challenge Sky Design Challenge Sky Design Challenge Sky Design Challenge
Sky Challenge
Space X mobile App

The Sky Design Challenge

The background

The year is 2025. Space tourism is booming, and Sky has joined forces with Elon Musk’s SpaceX to be its first in-flight entertainment partner aboard its spacecraft ‘Starship’. Journeying to the moon and back takes six days, so there’s plenty of time for space tourists to catch up on the latest films, TV shows and watch live sporting events - all streamed in glorious 8k via satellite frequency.


I challenged myself to complete the project in one weekend. For so I was concentrating on a fast productive UX design methodology whiles also imagining what the 2025 streaming device could look like.

Where to start?

I first scheduled a timeline that regroups all the different tasks. This process was mainly to spread out the assignments to fit them all in a few hours of work.

Project management
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Thinking & Building process

To startup on a fast-thinking based solution, I started to map and brainstorm what 2025 and space tourism would look like. For so I built a technology timeline from the year 2020 to the year 2025. I was soliciting the innovation of products such as mobile devices, virtual experiences, and personal data. After research through further benchmarks, future experiences, and wireframes, I came to picture a scenario of what space tourism entertainment apps would look like.

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Sky Heart

Sky heart is the core planet of the on-board entertainment app. This planet will evolve and change during the 6-day space journey. During the evolution of the Sky Heart Planet, the users will be able to interact, learn, and explore throughout the virtual galaxy.

Face ID

Face ID is continuously growing in today's and the future's digital market. From street cameras to mobile devices, face recognition allows us to instantly access the information of the user. For the project, I decided to use face ID to access the entire online data of the user. This will allow the software to distinguish what content to show on the onboard Sky device.

Information architecture
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The product.

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The virtual experience is a major part of the app. 2025 7G satellite frequency allows the users to connect their onboard devices to a discovery robot placed on the planet they are orbiting. The users will be able to explore each planet in VR. The future of streaming allows a large variety of connected objects to connect between one and another.

VR Experience
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Principle mobile animation

Due to the large amount of research done to identify the main features and skeleton of the project, I didn't entirely produce the application and other content of the App. However, the challenge allowed me to concentrate further on project management and deadlines.

Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce