Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce
Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce
Innovative communication systems

End of Master's Degree design project.

Design thinking, User research, Userflow, User interfaces, Prototyping, Connected objects.

May 2019 - January 2020.

Individual design project working on the entire development of the project.

The design objective

Reduce Screen time in professional environments to increase the interaction experience between workers.

Study case

Finding and understanding the related issue.

The context

Screen time

Screen time is a major concern in modern society. Without understanding the downside of their side effects, we continue to build more screen related products. One thing we are sure about is screens are a source of distraction to important matters in life. When it comes to professional or personal life.


Main issue

Notifications popping up on your phone (especially a novelty that is already linked to something positive like a social connection or progress in a game) registers as a reward to your brain. Research shows that being distracted by screens could result in an average of 23mins to fully get back to your main occupation.

The industry

Subject application

In many professional environments, communication systems are crucial to getting on with tasks. But many environments require screens in order to work. For this project I'm concentrating on large organisations that rely on communcation to operate. Contruction sites, Ports, Film productions, etc...

Professional knowledge

Getting professional advice is key to understand the root of the project.

3 professionals

Film director, Writer

Colin West

Commun issues

On film sets, the production crew can reach from 100 to 1000 in one day. For so not everyone can be equipped with a communication system.

Walkie talkies are a one-way communication system, 2 therefore only one can talk at a time.

Film director

Marc Caro

Commun issues

Talkie Lingo is a code used to communicate on a film set. This code needs to be learned off by heart. Still, not everyone knows how to master it.

It is important de be able to stay watchful during the production of a film. To always see what's happening and not ruin a cut.

Film Director, Professor

Erik Knudson

Commun issues

Today the principal issue of communication is to say when to stay silent when the cameras are rolling. Apart from a microphone to shout out, not all members get the message.

Using code to speed up communication is vital on a set. But using a talkie walkie makes it hard for everyone to send out information. So most talkies are used just to listen out.


Improve film set communication systems to increase the interaction experience between the crew members


Bring a new form of interaction to the filmmaking industry's communication systems.

Finely crafted

Design a product that will not only be innovative but also look modern and satisfying to use.


Find a different communication code than talkie lingo to make it easier for everyone to use.


Create different equipment for different roles instead of lacking important assets.


Find a new solution to how the users wear the equipment to prevent risks of failure.


Categorize the different roles of each member of the teams to build a more sustainable system.


The goal is to build an entirely new communication system based on group relations. Its database builds established programming and it’s diversity creates fast connections at the workplace.

Voice Control

Using voice control will help users monitor the new product without having to handle it. All the instructions can be sent out by directly announcing them with the smart microphone.

Gesture control

Some communications don't always have to be vocal. Introduction gesture control is bringing an entirely new way to respond or send out a message using a trackpad and your own hands.

Haptic feedback

Haptics is one of the most relevant ways to humanize a digital product. Unlike sound notifications, having tangible feedback enhances the message and brings an additional asset to the brain's reaction to notifications.

Usability testing

The walkie talkie

After conducting the interviews to understand in more detail the product and the industry I synthetized my observations into concrete issues.


laying out the information

The purpose of the wireframing was to identify the architectural layout of the new design. The product will be equipped with a control center. The possibility to adjust any settings directly on the product's App.

Bounce Headset

The most effective team-leading system.

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main features

Key team management assets

The Bounce Headset is built to lead team communications. Thanks to its large range of features the user can send out missions to the rest of the team.

The digital screen

Smart multi-touch screen

TThe screen is built to modify and apply quick settings such as volume percentage, the ability to change group, but also limit the range of the messages sent out by restricting the radio frequency.

Modify master volume
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Change the frequency
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Limit message range
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Voice control.

The headset user will send out instructions to his team pressing down on the trackpad whiles talking in the microphone.

Gesture control.

He can also send out programmed messages such as "Team regroup" or "Break time" by drawing gestures on the ear-trackpad of the device.

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Bounce Earpiece

Faster connections between workers.

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main features

Key team relation asset

The Bounce earpiece is built to enhance user messaging using haptic feedback. Its pre-programmed solution is developed to reply using only gesture control.

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How it works

When a team leader sends a mission using the Bounce Headset, the earpiece allows the assistants to accept a mission by drawing a gesture on the trackpad of the product. The user in the best position of achieving the duty will accept the call.

Technical components

Multi-touch trackpad, Built in connected circular LED, Half-duplex radio communication channel, Connected vibration Ear Pad, Long range radio antenna, GPS system, Bluetooth, Speaker receiver, Acceleromitor and gyroscope, Near fields commuinication controller, Microphone.

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Both products use all kinds of modern technology to not only increase the experience but also to create a new professional communication system.

Magnetic Induction

Longer battery life - Faster charging - Easier to use

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Light video

Presenting the product, the lights that enhance the visual feedback.

Bounce application

the product's control center.

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The gesture builder.

The Bounce applications provides a huge amount of adjustments to the product and the communication process. Gesture builder provides a large range of choice in building gesture messaging. Simply draw your gesture and add a meaning to the message.

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Group manager

The Group manager helps organise different groups depending on the team and the task. Each group will be associated with a radio frequency and team leaders wearing the Bounce headset.

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Color control

The color controller provides a large range of adjustments to the headsets and earpieces light. Each light is associated with the status of the user. If the user has an orange light, this can mean he in on duty and therefore can not be disturbed.